Your action item today is to call your Senator to tell them about your access to broadband coverage and tell them to support
Hello, my name is [insert name here] and I live in [district, county,
or city]. I am calling to ask you to support H.R.4229 Broadband
Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act for more
accurate broadband maps.
As a student, my learning now depends on my access to the internet.
For example...[share 1-2 ways your learning is or would be compromised
by lack of access to broadband internet]. [If you have access to
regular internet, you can also tell them your internet service
provider and your network speed.]
Again, please support H.R.4229 Broadband Deployment Accuracy and
Technological Availability (DATA) Act for more accurate broadband
Once you have completed an item, click it to check it off your list!